The Delta, Inc. definition is: “Leaders enable those around them to achieve must-do outcomes.” Leaders are key to your success. They will enable your organization to survive, thrive and grow….or they will slow progress, accept mediocrity, drive off top talent, and tank your bottom line. Leaders are the force that enable people to succeed under terrible circumstances and to seize the opportunities presented by great circumstances. There is no “leader look,” Leaders come in many packages—good looking and plain, natural leaders and “late bloomers,” In a word, leaders are achievers. We help you identify them, grow them, and develop them.
Turning Your Talent into Team Leaders. Most high achievers you hired weren’t trained to lead. They were trained to compete—for grades, sports, jobs, and promotions. Now you need them to collaborate with people and lead teams.
Here is how—and why–our leadership model achieves profound results, while other leadership “programs” fail:
Contact Carol Kallendorf, PhD, for a free and without obligation discussion about your organization and its culture. Carol is founder of Delta Associates, an Austin-based organizational consulting firm and a nationally known organizational consultant. Contact Jack Speer, Delta president, a leading organizational strategist, for a complimentary organizational strategy discussion.
Austin, Texas
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Carol Kallendorf, PhD. | (512) 417-9756
Jack Speer | (512) 417-9428
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The Delta Associates 360-Degree Assessment™ is a trademark of The Delta Associates.