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Beyond Fast: Agile – the New Plan to Play to Win

When I think of agility I think of Shaquille O’Neal.   He had an unheard of physique for a professional basketball player, totally unsuited for the game.  At 7’1″ and 325 lbs., nonetheless, he was no lumbering Goliath–Shaq was fast and highly intelligent in his career with 6 separate teams.  He had the size of a whale with the poise and movements of a ballet dancer.  This is agile.

So how agile am I?  It’s all about agility when I think about what has to happen in my organization during this year 2020.  Agility is way more important than fast.   Fast in breaking the record for getting from here to there.  Agility is breaking the laws of probability by getting to the goal while dodging obstacles, whizzing passed unbelievably skilled competitors, and suddenly having the whole course of the race changed from leaping over canyons to climbing mountains.

Scrum planning, with critically important objectives fired by short sprints, began as a software project development strategy during the early 90’s,  At that point the speed of change made traditional project planning with fixed, unchanging milestones obsolete. 

Should You Consider Agile for Your Organization?

Should you consider Agile for your organization?  Agile process is now applicable to almost every kind of traditional organization.   The reason that the agile process applies to most businesses is that most important projects and processes are now driven by technology.  Traditional businesses like banks and insurance companies generally work the way they did a hundred years ago–the difference is that they will survive into the 21 Century to the extent they can translate their services to online versions.

Here are some of the counter intuitive ways we’ll be looking at planning and project management in 2020

  1. Product is everything–the Final Goal is a Moving Target. Agile process requires keeping focus on the situation on the grounds.  Goals emerge and are never static.  New technology, competitors, and innovative approaches can cause the original product vision to be obsolete early into the projects.  The end goal may change close to the very beginning.  Agility requires continuous adaptation to what is going on in the marketplace, both threats and sudden opportunities.  Agility requires modifying the goal to fit the opportunity on the ground.
  2. Finding Out You’re on the Wrong Track is Great.  Finding out early on that the whole project you’ve planned is basically on the wrong track–like putting up the ladder up to the wrong wall–used to be a calamity from which no team recovered.  Finding out early that the project needs to be redirected can give an agile team the ability to quickly recoup the time and the resources spent and get on the right track. 
  3. Milestones can be changed or moved.  In traditional planning, milestones are like lighthouses that guide the ship through treacherous waters.  In agile planning the lighthouses themselves can become dangerous objects if they cannot be moved.  In agile, the end product is the only thing of which we can’t lose sight.  We must see and shift everything else. 
  4. Short sprints are key to the long haul.  Short sprints. not low trudges, is make work continue to be relevant to the moment.  Two to four week sprints give the opportunity to complete a limited set of actions that make actions sync to the goal.
  5. Transparence is the centerpiece of agile action.  The team must stay connected at the micro level for all actions to connect to each other.  Agile works only with a team of connected, competent, and intelligent team members.  If members communicate and are transparent, difficulties are quickly solved and teams become able to come up with innovative and creative breakthrough solutions.
  6. Meetings are Critically Important to Agile and Emails Must Take a Supporting Role.   In the last decade the obsession against meetings has become a great obstacle to becoming agile.  An effective meeting can cut written processing time to a fraction. 

    Meetings must be crafted with carefully boundaries.  They should be often–at least once a week or more.  They should be short–the optimal length is 15 minutes, not to exceed 30 minutes.  Email with endless recipients with long strings have become to breeding ground for trips into dark allies and serious mistakes.  Last month we experienced a $4,000 error because we handled an issue by email instead of a meeting.
  7. Midcourse Adjustments Must be Constant to Agile.   The question to ask in 2020 is not, “Are we on course?” but “Are we on the right course?”  The North Star of agile planning is a product or service that sweeps the marketplace.  The outcome is the product, not the process.
  8. Beware of Planning Technology that Traps Results.  Agile is the enemy of irrelevant process.  Daily if not more often there is an app that organizes your time and effort through a bright, brilliant, never-ending process that kills agility.  The true friend of agility is the person who clears backlog and takes the team toward creating the product.  Apps that are supposed to organize you ultimately drag you down in process.  Everything that has a learning curve and a password is suspect.  Finding the quickest way forward and communicating it to the team is central.

The principles of Agile has become important to organizations across the world.  The certainty of the 21st Century is that speed will increase and agility will determine success and survival.  Agile grow out of how we all work best.  It begins with the excitement of our next move foyrward.  It allows us to work with the speed of our own energy.  It cuts bureaucracy to a minimum and empowers people to be their freest and best.  Agile achieves the goal.

Austin, Texas

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Carol Kallendorf, PhD. | (512) 417-9756 

Jack Speer | (512) 417-9428


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