ESFP’s can be found in organizations getting things done by focusing on people and teamwork. They have an excellent ability to relate to other people and have a finely tuned sense of other people’s moods, states of mind, and well being. ESFP’s move quickly to take care of those needs in a practical, concrete and usually fun way.
Terry Bradshaw, b. 1948, an ESFP type, won his original fame as a Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback who won four Super Bowls. His optimism and fun and humor as an entertainer and actor, relentlessly kidding himself and those around him.
ESFP’s most often exude a love for life that is infectious to others. They have an interest in people and usually enjoy a wide circle of friends.
They will be found with others having fun. They love food and social events and participation in activities. They enjoy doing new things and are always up for a new experience. They love their possessions and enjoy acquiring clothes and the good things of life.
ESFP’s can be excellent team members. They are task-oriented and enjoy group projects. Their goal is to make projects fun and they accomplish that by streamlining them and doing them with a minimum of stress. They seem to have fun no matter what the circumstances, although they can battle periods of depression.
ESTPs bring many character traits that are useful to a team. They are optimistic and bring others along with their positive view of life. They are easy going and adaptable and deal well with a changing environment. They ensure that the team has fun–often organizing outings or practical jokes. They are excellent at mobilizing people in the challenging moments that face organizations. ESFP’s are strong communicators. They are tactful, empathetic and are sympathetic to the circumstances of others. They can be quite persuasive and help others see the need for change.
Elvis Presley, (1935-1977), is an American icon known world-wide. Yet peel back the legend, and Presley is an ESFP type who began a band and always maintained his group of friends around him. He had the ability to connect with people in a way that made them think of him as the “ultimate cool.”
They are excellent information gatherers and good sources of information. They excel at communicating the message of the organization with a positive spin. ESFP’s often find themselves in the role of peacemakers and are good at “damage control.”
ESFP’s seldom plan ahead and trust their ability to find solutions in close proximity to the time problems arise. They do not enjoy theory or long-worded documents. They dislike rules and regulations, many of which they believe get in the way of people and doing. In some situations these characteristics serve them well, but obviously the ESFP will need to ally themselves with planful and theoretical types to do long-range planning and strategies. On teams, they usually excel and make a difference.
ESFP’s can make excellent friends, spouses, and life partners. They love things domestic and have a special affinity for children. For the ESFP, life is an unfolding experience with people and events. Children will have creative birthday parties, trips to theme parks and adventures. If paired with a more theoretical or moody type, the two will have to be very understanding of each other’s different approach to life and make creative adaptations. Nonetheless, the ESFP will provide a framework for fun, family, and community.
ESFP’s focus on getting things done through teams. They are generally “can do” and upbeat,” and contribute energy and(delete) positive energy to a team. Their focus is teams and friendships, and they spend a great deal of time cultivating the people around them. They know what’s happening to the lives of the people around them. They can take a message or a circumstance and give it a positive spin.
ESFP’s seldom plan ahead and trust their ability to find solutions in close proximity to the time problems arise. They do not enjoy theory and they tend to dislike rules and regulations.
8.5%, or a little more than 8 in 100.
Sales, healthcare, teaching, public relations, coaching
Austin, Texas
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Carol Kallendorf, PhD. | (512) 417-9756
Jack Speer | (512) 417-9428
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